Project Sahyog

Project Sahyog

Posted by Angela Daud on April 07, 2013 (0 Comments)

For the month of Apr and May, Ozbabybargain has a request from one customer to make donation to Project Sahyog. 

In the Hindi language, "Sahyog" means "Support". Project Sahyog is a new initiative of the Indian Charity Trust, Restore India. The project aims to support women by providing employment for them. 

Women are often the people who are most motivated to see change happen in the family, and empowering them with new skills can be the most effective way of helping a family and the community. 

Restore India  runs sewing centres in four different communities. A six month course teaches the women to sew clothes for their own family and also brings them to a standard where they can earn some money with a sewing skills. 

We are also commencing self-help groups which enable groups of women to start small enterprises, which can earn money. In some cases,  the women use their sewing skills for the self-help groups. 

Project Sahyog will launch a sewing enterprise which will initially make school uniforms for our Restore India literacy schools. Once this product line is established, the same uniforms can be offered to other schools in the Delhi area. 

41% of the world's poor live in India *. The reality is that people who are in poverty need some form of help to escape the cycle and holistic approach is required to help in many areas of their life. Restore India was formed to serve the poor - we run literacy schools, vocational training programs, goat projects, health and nutrition projects, and  child education adoption schemes. We currently work in ten communities in fives cities across North India.

Restore India is a registered community development trust in North India.

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